Friday, September 11, 2009

Gorkha Bazaar

It is primarily a cobbled street market place where by people from neighboring hill dwellings come to trade. There are a few temples near about, but not much. Yet, it is worth a visit as it provides a very good vista of the quiet charm that soaks a typical hill village of Nepal.Nature Trail.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

पृथ्वी नारायण शाहको जीवनकाल र गोरखा राज्य

पृथ्वी नारायण शाह नेपाल भित्रको सानो पहाडी राज्य गोरखाका राजा नरभुपाल शाह तथा रानी कौसल्यावतीका छोरा थिए । वि.सं. १७७९ मा यिनको जन्म भएको थियो । वि.सं. १७९९ मा बिस बर्षको उमेरमा पृथ्वी नारायण शाह गोरखाका राजा भएका थिए । आधुनिक नेपालका जम्मदाता हुन यिनले नै साना साना राज्यहरूमा विभाजित नेपाललाई एकिकृत गर्न शुरू गरे, नेपाल प्राचिन कालदेखी एकिकृत हुँदै विभाजित हुँदै गरिरहेको थियो हुन त पृथ्वी नारायण शाह अगाडी पनि उपत्यकाका राजा यक्ष मल्ल पाल्पाका राजा मणीमकुन्द सेन तथा जुम्लाका राजा जितारी मल्लका पालमा एकीकरण भएको थियो तर एकीकृत नेपाललाई माथी उल्लेखित राजाहरूले लामो समय बचाइ राख्न सकेनन अथवा आफ्ना भाइ छोरा हरूमा आफ्नै जीवनकालका बाडेर गए । तर पृथ्वी नारायण शाहले एकीकरण शुरू गरेपछी नेपाललाई पुनःविभाजन हुन नदिइ जोगाइ राख्ने पद्धती बसाएर गए ।
पृथ्वीनारायण नेपाल एकीकरणको अभियान सुरु गरेका हुन् । पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको जन्म वि. सं. १७७९ साल पौष २७ गते गोरखाका राजा नरभूपाल शाहको माहिली रानी कौशल्यावतीको गर्भबाट सात महिनामा भएको थियो । उनी बाल्यकालदेखि नै अत्यन्तै शूरवीर, तेजवीर, बुद्धिमान् तथा मेहनती थिए । सुरूदेखि नै उनलाई रामायण, महाभारत र पछि गएर शुक्रनीतिको ज्ञान दिइएको थियो ।
धनुवाण, तरबार, घोडसवारी दौड आदिमा पनि उनी निपुर्ण थिए । पृथ्वीनारायणको पहिलो विवाह मकवानपुरका राजा हेमकर्ण सेनकी छोरी इन्द्रकुमारीसँग वि.सं. १७९४ मा भएको थियो । मकवानपुर त्यसबेलाको एक शक्तिशाली राज्य भएकाले त्यससँग नाता जोडेर राजनीतिक लाभ लिने उद्देश्यले यो विवाह भएको थियो । उनको दोस्रो विवाह काशीका अभिमानसिंह राजपुतकी छोरी नरेन्द्रलक्ष्मीसँग भयो । वि.सं. १७९९ मा राजा नरभूपाल शाहको मृत्यू भएपछि पृथ्वीनारायण २० वर्षको उमेरमा गोरखाका राजा भए । राजा हुनुअगावै उनले काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको राजनीतिक रहनसहन आदि राम्रोसँग अध्ययन गरिसकेका थिए । पिता नरभूपालको पुण्य प्राप्त गरून् भनी काशीको यात्रा गरी गोत्रसमेत परिवर्तन गरे । उनले नेपाल एकीकरणको महायात्रा सुरू गरी र कैयौं स्थानलाई नेपाल राष्ट्रमा गाभेर ४ वर्ण र ३६ जातको फूलबारीको सृष्टि गरे । पृथ्वीनारायणको उद्देश्यलाई युगको मागका रूपमा इतिहासकारहरूले हेरेका छन् । तत्कालीन बाइसे र चौबीसे राज्यहरू, उपत्यकाका विभाजित मल्ल राज्यहरू, पूर्वका किराँत र लिम्बुआन क्षेत्रहरू सबैतिर एउटा सशक्त राष्ट्रवादी शक्तिको आवश्यकता बढ्दै गएको थियो, जसको स्थान पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले पाएका थिए । पृथ्वीनारायण जति वीर थिए त्यति नै उनी वीरहरूको कदर गर्न जान्दथे । राजकीय व्यवहारमा कूटनीति, सरलता र दया उनका विशेषता थिए, तर दया र सरलतालाई उनले कमजोरीका रूपमा कसैलाई उपयोग गर्न दिएनन् ।

पृथ्वी नारायण शाहले आधुनिक नेपालको जग बसालेर गए र सानो सानो क्षेत्र जस्तै (भिरकोट,कास्की,लम्जुङ्ग गोरखा) मा राज्य गरिरहेको शाहवंसलाई पुरै नेपालको राजवंसमा रूपान्तरण गरिदिए ।नेपालको इतिहासका शीर्षस्थ पुरूष पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले वि.सं. १८३१ माघे संक्रान्तिका दिन ५२ वर्षको उमेरमा नुवाकोटको देवीघाटमा देहत्याग गरे पनि नेपाल एकीकरण अभियान बुहारी रानी राजेन्द्र लक्ष्मी, छोरा राजकुमार बाहदुर शाह लगायतले अगाडी बढाइ रहे । नेपाल एकीकरण अभियानको पुर्णविराम चाँही यिनका पनाती राजा गिर्वाण युद्ध विक्रम शाहका पालमा भएको नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्ध जस्लाइ एङ्गलो-नेपाल युद्ध (१८१४–१६) पनि भनिन्छ पछी भयो ।
उक्त युद्धमा नेपालले आफ्नो सार्वभौमिकता बचाएपनि धेरै ठूलो विशाल नेपालको इलाका जस्मा पश्चिमक्षेत्रमा हालको भारतको उतरान्चल राज्य , हिमन्चल राज्य तथा पन्जावका पर्ने केही साना सतलज नदी पारीका पाहडी रजौटा समेत पर्दथे भने पुर्वमा दार्जीलिङ, देखी लिएर टिष्टा नदी सम्मको तराइ तथा पहाडी भुभाग ब्रिटिश इस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनि सरकारलाई सुगौली सन्धी अन्तर्गत सुम्पनु पर्यो सिक्किममाथीको अधिकार पनि त्याग्नु पर्यो । तर ब्रिटिश ले नेपाललाई १८२२ मा मेची देखी राप्ती सम्मको तराइ तथा प्रथम राणा प्रधानमन्त्री जङ्गबहादुरको क्रियाकलापबाट खुशी भएर राप्तीदेखी माहाकाली बिचको तराइ भुभाग १८६० मा फर्काएका थिए । भारत ब्रिटिसबाट स्वतन्त्र भएपछि सुगौली सन्धि खारेज भइ नेपालको भु भाग त्यागनु पर्नेमा हाल ती भुभाग हडपेर बसेको छ।

उक्त युद्धमा नेपालले आफ्नो सार्वभौमिकता बचाएपनि धेरै ठूलो विशाल नेपालको इलाका जस्मा पश्चिमक्षेत्रमा हालको भारतको [[उतरान्चल राज्य]] , [[हिमन्चल राज्य]] तथा पन्जावका पर्ने केही साना सतलज नदी पारीका पाहडी रजौटा समेत पर्दथे भने पुर्वमा [[दार्जीलिङ]], देखी लिएर [[टिष्टा नदी]] सम्मको तराइ तथा पहाडी भुभाग [[ब्रिटिश इस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनि]] सरकारलाई [[सुगौली सन्धी]] अन्तर्गत सुम्पनु पर्यो [[सिक्किम]]माथीको अधिकार पनि त्याग्नु पर्यो । तर [[ब्रिटिश]] ले नेपाललाई १८२२ मा मेची देखी राप्ती सम्मको तराइ तथा प्रथम राणा प्रधानमन्त्री जङ्गबहादुरको क्रियाकलापबाट खुशी भएर राप्तीदेखी माहाकाली बिचको तराइ भुभाग १८६० मा फर्काएका थिए ।

Thursday, August 20, 2009

About in Gorkha Foundation

The Gorkha Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, grassroots organization working to improve living conditions and strengthen the economy in poor and marginalized communities in the Gorkha region. Established in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA, the Foundation supervises the work of the Society for Sustainable Development (SSD) in Nepal. SSD is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered with the Government of Nepal. The Foundation also works with other individuals, groups and other organizations in the USA and Nepal.
Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia between China and India. Here the life expectancy of women is 57.35 years as compared to 58.84 years for men, the literacy rate for women is 42.5% as compared to 68.5% for men, the labor force is 81% agriculture, and according to the Economic Survey publication by the Ministry of Finance the per capita income level is $240 per year. Gorkha district is 200 kilometers west of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.
In Gorkha individuals earn less than $1 per day and parents cannot access proper health care and education for their children. The poor typically work hard but struggle to break a cycle of poverty that can span generations. By building partnerships, engaging local leaders, and leveraging available resources, the Gorkha Foundation develops integrated solution to the underlying problems of poverty on a non-sectarian basis. Whether it’s rebuilding schools/libraries, teaching new job skills, training farmers or improving access to health care, the Foundation works with communities to create sustainable solutions that go beyond addressing the symptoms of distress. Working together, we make a difference.
The Foundation has a proud history of collaboration. Following are some of the organizations that partnerwith us to make a difference in the communities around Gorkha.
Healthcare: Radiology Mammography International
Healthcare: Arise Medical
Education: Room to Read
Education: BLE Group, Improving Student Learning
Microfinance: Lending Promise
100 percent of the donation goes toward programs, zero percent goes toward overhead. All non-program expenses, such as overhead and fund-raising, are paid for with start-up grants from our founding supporters. Gorkha Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations and grants to the Gorkha Foundation are tax-deductible in accordance with the IRS regulations.

About in Gorkha District

Gorkha is a picturesque hill- town that has a rich history of its own. The place is situated on a small mountain at the height of 3500 feet and offers a magnificent view of the Himalayan Peaks. King Prithvi Narayan Shah, who unified the Kingdom of Nepal during eighteenth century and got an upper hand over the Ranas, was born here. Actually king Drabya Shah founded this kingdom in the year 1560 and since then, the place has acted as the den for the Shah dynasty. In the war of throne with Ranas, the Gorkhas had the last laugh as the Gorkha soldiers succeeded in conquering the Kathmandu valley. The capital of the Nepal was shifted to Kathmandu since then. But this beautiful township has always remained as the center of attraction for many Nepalese as well as foreign visitors.Among the sites to visit, Gorkha Durbar tops the list. This historical palace is a one-hour walk from the downtown Gorkha. The palace is strategically located over a fortified hillock. On the southwestern side of palace lies the temple of Goddess Gorakhkali. A cave that claims to shelter the statue of Gorakhnath, the Tantrik sage, adjoins it. The place is picture-perfect to have a view of Mansalu and Himalchuli peaks of Himalayas. Nevertheless, the best place to have a view of the palace and peaks is Upallokot, a viewpoint made on a pedestal over the hill at the height of some 5000 feet.The other important site is Mankamana Temple. The place lays on a beautiful ridge southeast of the township of Gorkha. The temple, a famous pilgrimage for Hindus, is dedicated to Manakamana, the holy goddess of aspirations. It is a four-hour uphill walk from a place called Anbu Khaireni on Kathmandu-Pokhra Highway.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Rest of the sectors shown on the map are operated on charter basis.

Kathmandu is the capital of the kingdom, situated in a valley which is an open air museum of famous sites, ancient temples and shrines, golden pagodas and are inspiring deities, is a city of inexhaustible historic artistic and cultural interest. Several beautiful and interesting villages and towns surrounding the valley offer ideal destination.

Pokhara is located roughly 200 km west of Kathmandu. The journey between these two famed cities is certainly part of the Pokhara experience. Flying over the snow-capped Himalaya to the north and green Mahabharat range to the south is thrilling, while the overland journey past sparse rural settlements nested along the Trisuli river provides a view of life particular to Nepal's middle hills. There are daily flight between Kathmandu and Pokhara.

Nepalgunj situated in the western region, Nepalgunj is the major commercial western cities of the country. Nepalgunj is also the starting point for trekking into the North Western region of the country. The western border with India and just a few hours drive from Lucknow, a major Indian city, Nepalgunj could also be an option for tourist travelling from and via India.

Biratnagar is Nepal’s second biggest city which is located near the south-eastern border to India. It is known by agriculture, commerce and industry. Country’s most manufacturing industries are located in this region. Tourists discover Biratnagar on their way to the Himalayan states of India, known as Sikkim and Darjeeling. Visitors also arrive Biratnagar by air to begin their trekking to mountains such as Kanchanjunga. In recent days, a day or two is also spent at Biratnagar city by tourists adventuring into Nepal’s tea growing regions like Illam and Dhankuta.

Janakpur city is about 84 miles (135 km) from Kathmandu. This is a popular city in the terai region (lower part of Nepal having Flat-Land. Janakpur is also known as Janakpurdham (Dham in Nepali means a scared region) It has a temple named Janaki, which is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Sita. This region also offers an excellent opportunity for visitors to learn about Mithila culture, and people from in and around this peaceful region of Nepal. Hindu pilgrims from India and Nepal visit this region to pay their respect to the Goddess, while many foreign visitors make a side-trip to the region to learn about unique Janakpur-life!


Harmii is a A Village Development Committee (VDC) (गाउँ विकास समिति) in Nepal is the lower administrative part of its Local Development Ministry. Each district has several VDCs, similar to municipalities but with greater public-government interaction and administration. There are 3913 Village Development Committees in Nepal. A VDC is further divided into wards of which, depending on the population of the district, it can have more or less than the average of nine. In Gorkha District in the Gandaki Zone of northern-central Nepal. At the time of the population of 3,910 and had 754 houses in the town

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ganesh Nepali

About Me
Ganesh Neapli
I am Ganesh Nepali
My Birth Place is
Harmi V.D.C Ward No. 9 Gorkha Gandaki Aunchal
I Live in Kathmandu Since 2005
View My Complet My Pictutre